Thank you for your interest to invest in the ministry of the Global Leadership Network.


The Global Leadership Network considers it a blessing to raise significant financial support through generous donors investing in The Global Leadership Development Fund. This enables us to reach across continents and countries, across the church, business, and not-for-profit sectors, to those who are well-developed and those who are underdeveloped, to those with great resources and those with little. As a global organisation, we remain committed to empowering, catalysing, equipping, encouraging, and inspiring others to live out their purpose and change the world.

Since our founding in 1993, we sought to help women and men maximise their full leadership potential to impact their world. Is this something that you deem worth investing your time, energy or resources into? We invite you to consider joining a network of donors, and become a GLN Friend. As such, there are opportunities to invest in leadership development that deals with international reach, global issues, or serve dedicated groups through key ministries.

International Reach

Making the Summit accessible, available, and affordable to leaders who would not readily have access to this world-class faculty and their fresh and actionable content is close to the heart of the GLN. We want to contribute to the growth of prevailing leaders, families, teams, churches, businesses, organizations, and communities. However, our reach is restricted by the resources we have available to do so. Over its existence, the GLN has had a presence in almost 130 countries. Annually this fluctuates for several reasons, amongst others, the resources it takes to bring a GLS to a community. Here are five ways to invest in the international reach and the work of the GLN.

Training resources for international leaders

Internationally, a GLS is presented by a team of local volunteers. These roles range from marketers, producers, technical directors, event coordinators, operational leaders, and others. To help these valuable team members host transforming experiences, training and development make a big difference. Invest in resources that would enable training to be presented globally, and in local languages.

Support an international Summit attendee

Annually, more than 200000 people attend a GLS outside of the United States. These are presented in various formats, as determined by local partners – and can include single-day, multi-day, evening, or online experiences. You can cover the cost of an under-resourced leader to attend the GLS.

Translate the Summit

A differentiating factor of the GLS has always been the priority placed on making the leadership experiences accessible. Part of that means bringing the content – and its life-giving message – to guests in a way they understand. Annually, the GLS gets translated into between 50 and 60 languages. Although we continually endeavour to harness the latest technologies to produce these efficiently and cost-effectively, vast resources are still required to serve our current language groups. Without taking into consideration expansion opportunities. Would you be passionate about investing in bringing the GLS to a specific language group?

Launch a new international site

The critical delivery channel of the GLS content, is producing events through local partners. These partners customize the experience to their context by drawing on talks and faculty that address relevant themes or timeous messaging. The cost of producing such events and equipping a new international partner location is vast. Would you consider investing in bringing the GLS to a new site?

Invest in new product development

We continually aim to refine the GLS experience and product offering by remaining sensitive to the needs of our guests and partners. These include the platforms used to access or acquire the content, tailor-made experiences that are scalable and easily presented, and helping leaders globally to network and grow. If you are passionate about innovation to reach more people, consider this a meaningful investment opportunity.

The International Partners of the GLN

With the Global Leadership Network having a presence in over 130 countries, along with providing leadership content in more than 55 languages, the importance of investing in the local partners who lead these initiatives remains imperative. For this reason, we aim to engage with these partners bi-annually: first on a regional level, and then on an global level. During these gatherings, we have the opportunity to not only serve their needs, but also inspire and equip them to serve their communities and countries effectively and passionately.

Global Issues

Inspiring and equipping leaders that bring about positive change right where they are, is the raison d’être of the Global Leadership Network. There are places in our world where access to integrity-infused leadership development resources and connecting to a network of like-minded, hope-filled and change-driven leaders are limited. For that reason, we aim to not only establish a presence in some regions of the world, but also to grow and expand it. For that reason, our presence is imperative in places where corruption, war, poverty or other belief systems are prevalent.

GLN Influence in Corrupt Institutions and Societies

The effect of corruption in society is severe. It has been shown to perpetuate inequality and poverty, lower economic growth, and deteriorate social spending. Corruption erodes the trust in the public sector and negatively affects infrastructure, development and community projects. If responsible and conscientious leaders understand its impact, they endeavor to bring change to the systems that enable it. What could these societies look like if leaders attempt to eradicate corruption?

GLN Influence in War-Affected Nations

In countries affected by war, a permeating fear, lack of security, and rife destruction negatively impacts its economy, infrastructure, and social order – and dramatically influences the well-being of its citizens. Leading in these spaces do not only need relevant resources to persevere and remain responsive, but also a network of partners to provide essential social support and encouragement. How can the needs of leaders in such strenuous environments be served?

GLN influence in Developing Nations

The world has been categorised across various lines, most notably along its economic capacity. As such, emerging economies or developing nations are severely affected by their access to resources, creating gainful employment opportunities, economic growth and the ability to respond to poverty. In such poorer countries, access to world-class leadership resources is markedly constrained, viewed as a luxury resource and beyond the reach of the largest part of its population. How could making the GLS content accessible, available and affordable to such communities impact its society?

Key Ministries

To address the leadership development and networking needs of some specific groups, the GLN has established key ministries that aspire to serve them better. Whether identified according to gender (Women Leaders Network), generation (GLS Next Gen), incarcerated or at-risk populations (GLS in Prisons) or by role (International Partner Gathering), these initiatives aim to provide a targeted response to their unique leadership needs.

The GLN and Women Leaders

The Women Leaders Network is a global movement of local cohorts that exists to identify, empower, equip and release women to fully use their leadership gifts for God’s purposes. The goal of the WLN is to see women leading well with and alongside men and to bring transformational impact to their churches and communities.

Awaken, Activate, and Connect the Next Generation.
The GLS Next Gen is a Global ministry designed to Awaken emerging leaders in their leadership, faith, and life journey. We want to Activate them to be a force for good in their world for Jesus and Connect them to a community of growth.
The GLS Next Gen is strategically positioned and ready around the world to help Churches, Schools, and Christian Organizations to awaken young leaders on this leadership, faith, and life journey. We provide year-round world-class resources and tools that can be used to provide discussions that will help activate young leaders to be a Force for Good in their world for Jesus.

The opportunity to instill a deep sense of value in the hearts of the incarcerated has long been something the GLN has been passionate about. Since the opportunity arose to provide a GLS experience to this population, impacted and transformed lives (and prisons) have been observed. Formerly incarcerated individuals have re-entered society with a deeply held sense of significance and the hope to make a meaningful contribution to society.

Become A Friend

We would love for you to become a Friend of the GLN by investing in any of the initiatives mentioned above. Which of these resonates with you? You can make a one-time investment towards the cause, or reach out to find out more about the initiatives you are most passionate about.

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